Business General Info

Create Next Standard of Transportation by Connected E-mobility
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About Terra Motors

We were founded as a company to lead the next generation mobility; E-mobility industry with Japanese technology.Based in India, one of the world’s most advanced EV nations, the company will provide solutions to various social issues which we are facing, re-define the ideal form of public transportation, and contribute to achieve a better society system.

Challenges in our Society

Serious Environmental Problem Mainly in Asia

Today, we are facing various social problems such as air pollution, poverty and global warming. Especially in Asia, where many developing countries are located, traffic congestion, traffic accidents, air pollution, noise and other problems associated with rapid urbanization have become serious problems.
In order to solve these problems, we believe that each private sector having a strong sense of ownership toward achieving the SDGs goals with their business activities will be a key factor.

global warming

Health problem by air pollution


Lack of technology

Lack of infrastructure

Traffic congestion

Business Scheme

Update Traffic Infrastructure by Connected E-Mobility

Our E-mobility business has grown into a business that sells 30,000 units per year. In addition to further expanding these businesses, we will develop a variety of business models by using our own mobility network which we have sold to date, as a platform for our digital connections. We define the ideal form of next-generation mobility that supports the sustainable development of society.

Company Strength

How to Succeed in the Global Market

The strength of a team that has created as we always seeking this and keep this in our mind

Local-fit Philosophy

Terra Culture, Double S

Accurately identify customer needs and reflect them in products we always follow “Market in Strategy”.


Terra Culture, R & C with 360

Grow and move faster than the market changes. Looking ahead to the future, always one step ahead than others.


All members of the team always think from ideals, and decide the action backward from that take on challenges without fear of risk and create new value.

Potential Market Size

Mobility Market Size and Potential of EV Business in Asia


Potential for Mobility Market Expand in India

The penetration rate of 2&4 wheeler per 1,000 people in India is still low compared with ASEAN countries and China, and is certain to increase

Huge Mobility Market Expected to Shifts to E-mobility

All 2 wheeler which is 150 cc or less, must be EV after 2025

Annual Sales Forecast

20​ million
units per year

30% of new car sales to be EV by 2030

Annual Sales Forecast

4.4 million
units per year


Mobility Market Size and Potential of EV Business in Asia

Gasoline 2 Wheeler Market

Motorcycle markets in Asia

10​ million units / year

Gasoline 4 Wheeler Market

4 wheeler markets in Asia

40million units / year

CAGR (compound average growth rate)

CAGR of EV business in Asia

23.9​% / year

Customer Interest

Customer interest in Asia toward EV

